What inspires you? Wow, you must spam a lot of people. You’re so uncreative. Oops, did I fail to match the empty platitudes you opened with?
Anyway, as so many of you book promo “specialists” say in your scripted bot language: Are you open to a few suggestions?
I might be able to boost your spiel to a whole new level.
First of all, if you’re commenting on a post where the author announced their book alongside an image, and you say “Wow, is this your first book?” well, that doesn’t land the right way when the text of the posted cover image says Torth Book 5. You’ve just signaled that you never looked at their book cover. Your disregard for basic due diligence proves that you are either using a script or you lack basic comprehension skills. That’s not a promo specialist that any professional would want to hire.
Also, displaying cluelessness about an author’s genre is not the way to gain their trust. Book trailers, social media graphics, and book promo need to be tailored to specific genres and audiences. Professional authors spend years studying these things. We can’t avoid it. Your generic offers are a huge red flag that you either don’t know the genre of the author you’re spamming, or you don’t care. Either way, you’re a time-wasting nuisance and I will not respond to your low effort message or comment.
You might begin to actually profit from professional authors (as opposed to scam victims) IF you took the time to intimately learn a genre and subgenre in the book world. Engage with the art. Try being a human being. Stop relying on scripts and stop trying to lazily make a quick buck. Otherwise, any author with a brain will clock you.
Typos & idiocy are not the way. Greeting an author by misspelling their name is not the way. Generic, scripted offers full of impossible promises are not the way. When you approach me like a bumbling amateur looking for a victim, I am not going to respond.
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