Some people are nobles … or scholars … or monster hunters … or mages. And once in an eon, someone comes along who is all of the above. Oag is the self made wizard.

What to expect:

  • Single POV
  • Hero invents his own magic system.
  • Slow build toward massive conflict and growth in power.

What not to expect:

  • No isekai
  • No litrpg
  • No smut


This book is a work in progress epic series. I’ve completed one epic series in my life, but they are massive projects, and I expect to revise and retcon chapters of this one. Feedback is always welcome.


Content Warning: This work of fiction takes place in an environment where transphobia and misogyny are expressed. The views of characters do not reflect the views of the author.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Certified Human. No part of the text of this book was generated by machines. It is all conceptualized, outlined, written, and edited by an author with an actual wetware brain.


This edition is a rough draft preview intended only for a web serial readership or for friends and beta readers. If you are seeing this text in a purchased ebook or print book that purports to be written by someone other than Abby Goldsmith, please report it as plagiarism.


Cover art illustration by Leda Chung. Used with the artist’s permission.

Self Made Wizard

In a world where mages rule through expensive wands and rote memorization of spells, Oag forges his own path by reverse engineering the most basic and ancient of spells. Soon he’s more powerful than the Sorceress of Lamm. Kings fight to buy his loyalty. Will Oag succumb to temptations and become just another entitled, self-serving mage? Or is he a true wizard, capable of imbuing downtrodden peasants with magical gifts?

Are the immortal bloodsuckers at the head of the empire right to fear Oag and his odd assortment of friends?